Monday, October 19, 2009


So I really can't be bothered updating the blog every single day because I really don't find I have much to talk about sometimes. I will still update it most days however!

Today I had my team of haemotologists (blood cancer specialists) come in and talk to me. I have responded well to the treatment so far and they are pleased with my progress. My kidneys have held up well to the flushing out of all the cancer cells and my bloods are starting to stabilise. Its some progress.

Anyhoo.... I found another side effect of the chemo. My skin on my left hand has been drying off anf becoming all scaly its pretty horrible. I have to use hand cream every hour or so otherwise my skin just flakes off in huge chunks. bleh!!! I have also lost some of my taste buds. Beef and lamb taste like chalk to me and I am constantly eating strong flavoured foods to try and get a taste in my mouth. Thank you to Emma Quigon (sp?) from Cafe Express for dropping me round a chicken salad. It was delicious!!!!

I got a visit from Anita today too! She is really good at....boosting you? That feeling when your down and feel crap and then someone/something gives you like a boost of energy? It was the first time in a while I actually forgot I had cancer. Thank you Anita :)

I really want to write a paragraph on how awesome Miriam and Jim are but I am so nakkid(as in "tired"?) that I can't manage it tonight :(

For the first time I was allowed out home for a couple of hours tonight. It smells really weird being at home where things are not as clean as the hospital but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I was getting quite weird looks as I was walking to the car in my Spock tshirt, boxers, dressing gown and crutches. I think I pulled it off though.

Tomorrow, I have a pretty serious proceedure that I am worried about. Its called a lumbar puncture and what they do is inject chemo into my spine. I assume this is to get rid of any cancer cells in there. My only worry is that I will be under minimal sedation during this and I'm just a bit scared of the pain.

P.S. I know i have promised pictures, dont worry i will try tomorrow. I have taken tons so you can see the aftermath of some of the things that get done to me.


  1. Hi Alexander
    Greetings from across the globe.
    We were so shocked when your Dad telephoned us with the news that you were back in hospital.
    When we visited in March the cancer seemed to be in your past and you were gaining energy and making plans but you have shown yourself to be battler and seem to be managing to be one again.
    I've never read a blog before let alone added a comment. You write well about all the horrible things that are happening to you and you seem to have some really good friends there rooting for you. (As well as your great family ,of course)
    We are thinking of you and send our very best wishes from cold and miserable UK
    Love Colin and Maggie

  2. Hey Alex, :)
    Greets from Germany, too!
    I've heard you have cancer again this morning, when your dad phoned us, but I had to leave for school so I had to wait until now to write you. It must be horrible for you to be in hospital again, but I've already read that you've awesome friends who help you to bear it up!
    Of course we all hope you get well soon and maybe Walter and me will visit you in NZ this Christmas but I don't know it for sure!
    Sorry that I didn't write you mails but since you moved I haven't had your email-adress. Could you please send it to me? (
    I'll write you more by mail (I don't want to spam into your blog ;) ). I hope this comment will be sent!
    Bye for now and best regards
    Walter, Fatma, Selma, Martin and our old rabbit Spooky
